Current Issue

Based on the global sustainability goals announced by the United Nations in 2015, the Osnabrück Declaration sets ambitious goals for EU vocational education systems concerning sustainability. These goals include resilience, lifelong learning and international cooperation. Vocational education and training plays a crucial role in addressing global sustainability goals by promoting inclusive education, gender equality and sustainable economic growth. To achieve these goals, the education system needs to be transformed. The “2. Grazer Berufsbildungskongress” addressed key questions on sustainability in vocational education and training: the design of sustainable teaching and learning environments, the contribution of vocational education and training to ecological and digital change, the relevance for changing job profiles and the implementation of the sustainability goals. VET research is called upon to answer these questions through cooperation and evidence-based work. The congress provided a platform for researchers, teachers at all levels of education and students to present and discuss their contributions. Key contributions from the congress are presented in this volume.