Who cares?

Evaluation der Schwerpunkte auf der PHSt mit Fokus auf Wertevermittlung und deren Relevanz im Kontext der Global Citizenship Education


  • Markus Neubauer
  • Aleksandra Wierzbicka
  • Monika Gigerl
  • Elke Knoll


attitudes and values, vocational training, global citizenship education, dducation for sustainable development


One of the central aspects of the educational focus in primary school teacher training
on courageous&fair is Global Citizenship Education – a multi-perspectivist
pedagogical approach, which is an essential component for overcoming global
challenges. Whether peace education, political education, global learning or learning
on education for sustainable development, values and attitudes are form one of the
three sides of the pedagogical triangle alongside knowledge and skills. The
development of values and attitudes has been researched as part of this study. The
evaluation results have revealed surprising developments. This research-based article
focuses on vocational training to become a primary school teacher. One of the
questions of the accompanying study on the focus “courageous&fair – developing
personality and strengthening the community“ is: To what extent do teachers’ own
values and attitudes change in the course of the focus training?


