Überlegungen zu einem nachhaltigen postpandemischen Kompetenzentwicklungsmodell für Lehrpersonen der Berufsbildung


  • Gabriela Leitner
  • Reinhard Bauer


competence development model, vocational training, lifelong learning, future skills, sustainability


Vocational training at the four Austrian Center Universities for Vocational Education
and Training had and has to be oriented to developments on the labor market and in
society. This requires early recognition of and reaction to so-called megatrends
(Haberfellner & Sturm, 2016), i. e. to diverse transformation processes such as
globalization and internationalization, the digitalization of life and work, urbanization,
demographic change, feminization and diversity, and sustainability. This raises the
question of how these changes can be taken up at the Center Universities for
Vocational Education and Training, designed in the curricula and finally implemented
in teaching in order to enable sustainable teaching and learning processes. Based on
the competence spiral model for lifelong learning by Baumgartner (2004) and the
structural education and competence model of Future Skills by Ehlers (2020), this
contribution presents a sustainable post-pandemic competence development model
for VET teachers. The focus is on considerations of how the competence model of
existing study programs, based on the Dublin descriptors, can be replaced by the
Future Skills model in order to go beyond a mere enumeration of competencies.


