Bildung für ein verantwortungsvolles berufliches und gesellschaftliches Leben als Auftrag der beruflichen Schulen

Eine Bedingungsanalyse aus der Praxisperspektive der beruflichen Schule


  • Diana von Drojetzky
  • Mareen Derda
  • Marco Albrecht
  • Marco Wedel


sustainability, digitalisation, vocational school, teacher training


One of the tasks of vocational schools is to provide learners with the skills that will
enable them to work successfully in their future professions, respond to changes in
their careers and participate responsibly in society. This requirement is formulated in
Germany by the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural
Affairs and includes, among other things, the training of digital and sustainable skills.
On the one hand, these must be integrated into the respective training courses, and
on the other hand, the development of these skills must be given space in the
What can practical implementation look like? What requirements does this place on
teaching staff and, as a result, on teacher training? What framework conditions are
needed to address these requirements? The aim of our contribution is to address and
discuss these questions based on our own experiences from vocational schools and
teacher training.


