
Fachdidaktik Deutsch und Mathematik - Theoretische Analysen, empirische Ergebnisse und aktuelle Entwicklungen


  • Karl-Heinz Graß Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark
  • Konstanze Edtstadler


German language education, Psychological theories in mathematics education, Practical implications


Mathematics and German are two of the most elementary and important school subjects in Austria. Therefore, research on teaching and learning of these two subjects is a central task to which the academic disciplines of mathematics and German language education are dedicated. This issue aims to present articles taking up and analysing current research questions relevant to German language and mathematics education. Therefore, this issue is devided in two: the first part presents studies that focus on theories and models from neuro-, cognitive and developmental psychology relevant for mathematical education. The second part deals with current topics in German language education which are significant for everyday classroom teaching. They cover vocabulary acquisition, writing didactics and didactics of literature.

In this introduction we briefly present the two subject areas and the associated central questions related to this issue. Also, the articles included in this issue will be presented briefly here and finally, we will outline their relevance for mathematics and German language education.


