Kinder- und Jugendhäuser (KJH) als außerschulische Lernorte der technischen Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung (TBNE)


  • Stefan Brämer


STEM, technical education, interest in tehcnology, extracurricular learning location


Current studies show on the one hand a seemingly deficient STEM education and
image situation, but on the other hand the very good opportunities for diverse
technical education through school-based and extracurricular learning opportunities
(u.a. acatech et al., 2022; IDW, 2021; Metzger et al., 2022). Teenagers are
demonstrably not hostile to technology, but rather have a distant attitude towards it.
They use more communication technology, but engage less in technical problem-
solving (u.a. acatech, 2011; Buhr & Hartmann, 2008). Extracurricular and out-of-
school educational offerings can positively support school-based (technical)
education efforts. Networking school-based and extracurricular educational
opportunities is a possible strategy to awaken latent interest in STEM fields and
motivate teenagers to engage more deeply with technical issues. The Magdeburg
STEM Cluster „Otto macht MINT“1 addresses this by establishing continuous
technical offerings in the children and youth centers (KJH) in Magdeburg.


