Symposiumsbeitrag zur nachhaltigen Mittagsverpflegung

Nötige Kriterien und Kompetenzen für eine gesundheitsfördernde und nachhaltige Mittagsverpflegung an berufsbildenden Schulen


  • Brigitte Pleyer
  • Paula Wawrina


climate plate, sustainable school catering, Planetary Health Diet, food-related dietary recommendations, lunch catering


In recent years, national and international institutions have been drawing up foodrelated dietary recommendations that combine health-promoting and sustainable
specifications (Breidenassel et al., 2022). These are inextricably linked to the higher
use of regional and seasonal vegetables and legumes in particular, as well as a
reduction in the proportion of meat and meat products (Renner et al., 2021). A high
proportion of vegetables of local origin and a stronger consideration of pulses would
be important for a sustainable and future-oriented food offer, also at schools. Criteria
for implementation show specifications for modified menu lines at schools, which
should not only be offered in the future, but also scientifically evaluated. The
presentation of good-practice examples from the Styrian Health Fund and the
implementation of climate control in troop kitchens of the Austrian Armed Forces
show approaches to solutions that would also be a sustainable contribution by
schools with their food offerings in the future


