„Das ist omnipräsent in allem, was wir tun!“

Die Relevanz von Entrepreneurship Education in der dualen Ausbildung am Beispiel einer Berufsschule


  • Mario Vötsch
  • Nadja Pitzer


Entrepreneurship Education, Dual Education, research into teaching and learning, Vocational Education


This paper asks about the relevance of Entrepreneurship Education in school-based
dual apprenticeship training. The importance of economic competencies in the
curricula and the structural integration of theory and practice by means of linking
school-based and company-based learning venues suggest that this involves an ideal
context for promoting Entrepreneurial Competencies. Exploring a Tyrolean vocational
school as a case study, the practice of teaching business administration is examined
and the EntreComp model is used to ask to what extent Entrepreneurship
Competencies are reflected in the topics, didactic methods and learning objectives.
In qualitative focus groups, teachers provide information about their experiences as
well as their assessment of the possibilities of Entrepreneurship Education in the
classroom. The results illustrate a number of overlaps and points of contact that
make further research meaningful.


