Vernetzt mit elektrischem Strom umgehen –

Elektrischer Strom als Sache des Sachunterrichts unter dem Leitbild von „Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung"


  • Florian Schütte Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


Umgangsweisen, elektrischer Strom, Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung, Vernetzung, Sachunterricht


The study of electricity has a long tradition in science education in Germany, also in connection with conducting experiments. In most cases, the focus is on scientific approaches. In view of the central didactic principle of multi-perspectivity, this seems to be a shortened view of the matter.

In this article will be considered how a perspective-networking approach to electricity can be designed in science education. The considerations include the ‚Bildungsrahmen Sachlernen‘, which formulates the acquisition of ways of dealing with the world as the subject of science education, as well as the guiding principle of education for sustainable development. In the discussion of electricity content-related and methodological links between social science and natural science approaches in dealing with an issue are presented, without losing sight of the independence of the subject of science education, in order to formulate impulses for the design of lessons.


