Wirtschaft zum Angreifen: Raus aus der Schule - rein in die Betriebe!
Ein multiperspektivischer Ansatz als Baustein für vernetzendes Lernen im Kontext von Entrepreneurship Education
Entrepreneurship Education, außerschulische Lernorte, interdisziplinäre Vernetzung, Forschendes Lernen, Fertigkeiten, LehrplanAbstract
The focus of this article is the development of personal, social and learning method skills of the pupils, but also the discussion of global responsibility, sustainable economic activity, personal social commitment and social solidarity in the context of entrepreneurship education. The practical example “Wirtschaft zum Angreifen: Raus aus der Schule – rein in die Betriebe” shows the chances of professional and interdisciplinary networking in the context of the subjects of Sachunterricht and Deutsch and enables unique learning and experience situations for participating pupils are based on complex issues. It is a multi-perspective pedagogical approach, which represents an essential building block for overcoming the challenge of solution-oriented thinking and acting. The focus of the consideration is the didactic principle of networked learning and the development of learning goals for networked thinking and acting. Based on the experiences that were made within the framework of the practical example, the requirements for networked education are shown in the article.