Multimodales Lernen mit didaktischen Arbeitsmitteln im mathematischen Erstunterricht: Eine qualitative Analyse


  • Christina Konrad


manipulatives, embodied cognition, non-counting enumeration, cardinality


This paper presents embodied cognition approaches as a theoretical explanatory
approach to learning with manipulatives. Nine different types of manipulatives are
introduced, compared, and analysed. The analysis mainly focuses on the possibilities
offered by the manipulatives regarding non-counting enumeration and non-counting
quantity display. With the help of a theoretically based coding guide, the manipulatives
were coded and compared. The results show that different manipulatives have
strengths and weaknesses in building a cardinal number concept and part-whole
knowledge. Fingers and “Rechenschieber”-like manipulatives seemed to have
advantages over other manipulatives in terms of handling, whereas coloured rods
appeared to have greatest weaknesses regarding the selected criteria.


