Digitalisierung der beruflichen Bildung – Gestaltung von Lehr- und Lernarrangements in der Lehrkräftebildung – berufliches Lehramt Berufsfeld Ernährung und Hauswirtschaft


  • Susanne Miesera


digitalisation, vocational education and training, teaching nutrition and housekeeping, teacher education


Society is increasingly moving in the direction of a digitized, connected world, influencing both private and professional life. In the matter of this new, transformed working world, the competence requirements for employees are changing as well as the requirements for vocational education and training. This article examines which requirements arise from this digitalisation for teacher training, especially in relation to the subject area of nutrition and home economics. It also presents teaching concepts, which are intended to sensitise (soon-to-be) vocational education teachers for the challenges of a World of Work 4.0 and to promote their professional action competence, focusing on media-related competences.


