Vernetzt mit elektrischem Strom umgehen

Elektrischer Strom als Sache des Sachunterrichts unter dem Leitbild von „Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung"


  • Florian Schütte Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


Umgangsweisen, elektrischer Strom, Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung, Vernetzung, Sachunterricht


The study of electricity has a long tradition in science lessons. Usually, scientific and technical approaches are in the centre of attention. Against the background of the central didactic principle of multi-perspectivity in general sciences lessons, this is an abbreviated view of the subject. This article shows how an examination of electricity can be organised in such a way that a variety of perspectives are taken on the subject. The framework for this is provided on the one hand by the guiding principle of education for sustainable development and on the other hand by the educational framework of subject teaching, which formulates ways of dealing with the world as the subject of learning. Along with this, an orientation towards subject perspectives as a central structuring element of subject teaching is rejected. With this framework, electricity is no longer a matter of scientific and technical learning, but rather a matter that children deal with in an open-ended and exploratory way. Finally, concrete suggestions are formulated as to how tasks can be designed that follow this understanding of general knowledge teaching and at the same time the guiding principle of education for sustainable development. 


