Über Lustiges, Ernstes und hoffnungsvolles philosophieren

Leonora Leitl im Gespräch mit Michaela Reitbauer (Podcast)


  • Leonora Leitl
  • Michaela Reitbauer


Bilderbuch, Diviersität, Illustration


Podcast: https://radioigel.at/leonora-leitl/

Diversity in Leonora Leitl’s work is not only found in the illustrations, but also in the themes and texts. Biographical themes and curiosity play an important role. The fact that the answers to the essential questions posed in her books can remain individual for the viewer is due to the interdependencies between image and text and is as intentional as the resulting interpretation as a personal carrier of meaning. In the conversation with Michaela Reitbauer, Professor at the Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark, the focus is on the freedom of thought through staged interstices in the artist’s works, on the visual language, but also on controversy as a bridge to dialogue – the funny, the serious, but above all the hopeful.


