Tic Tac Toe - didaktisch neu entdeckt und gedacht

Multiple Intelligenzen als fächerverbindender (Sach-)Unterrichtsansatz


  • Doris Neubauer-Hametner Private Pädagogische Hochschule der Diözese Linz
  • Martina Müller Private Pädagogische Hochschule der Diözese Linz


Stärkenorientierung, Differenzierung, multiple Intelligenzen, fächervernetzender Unterricht, Begabungsförderung


This contribution provides a model of how learning opportunities can be generated in heterogeneous learning groups based on the multi-perspective theory of multiple intelligences by Gardner in a strength- and interest-oriented teaching approach to subject-related topics and contents in an interdisciplinary manner. In PCK courses of general studies (Sachunterricht) at the University of Education Linz (PPH Linz), exploratory spatial topics were selected together with 3rd semester students, prepared from a subject didactic point of view, and transferred to teaching practice. By means of a focus group discussion, qualitative data was collected on the interdisciplinary approach, which provided critically reflective insights into the conditions for effectiveness as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the individualized learning approach. The didactic model is presented theoretically, discussed and further practical implications negotiated. 






Vernetzung des Sachunterrichts mit anderen Fächern